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Excessive breast development in males is called gynecomastia. This condition may occur in men due to a variety of causes such as weight gain, use of certain drugs like hormones or steroids, fatty tumors, genetic predisposition or hormonal imbalances. In many cases, the cause is not known. In cases where one breast is larger than the other, medical testing may be necessary prior to consideration of surgical treatment. If a mass is found, this must be addressed and may require imaging and biopsy for pathological evaluation. Treatment of gynecomastia involves stopping the use of the causative agent if possible, weight control and either conventional or laser assisted liposuction-liposculpture alone or direct excision supplemented with liposuction-liposculpture. If incisions are required, the scars are hidden in the breast folds and around the areola (darker skin around the nipple). The choice of technique depends on the size of the breast tissue, the assessment of the amount of fat versus actual breast tissue and the amount of breast droop.

Who is a candidate?

Men who have unwanted breast development, are healthy, want to improve their physique and have realistic expectations are excellent candidates. Ideal candidates must be at a stable weight. You may undergo male breast reduction if you are not taking anabolic steroids, drinking alcohol, or smoking cigarettes or marijuana. This is because these activities are known to precipitate the development of gynecomastia.


Prior to your male breast reduction procedure, Dr. Moreano will conduct lab testing and a medical evaluation to confirm if you are fit to undergo gynecomastia surgery. Be ready to ask questions regarding the procedure and discuss your expected outcome. It is also important to talk about your specific lifestyle and medical history.  

What are the results that can be expected?

  • Less chest fat and breast tissue.
  • Improved male physique.
  • More self-confidence.
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* Individual results may vary.

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Male breast reduction is performed in our Jackson Heights, Queens, NY accredited outpatient surgical facility under local anesthesia with intravenous conscious sedation. Direct surgical excision of tissue may be required along with liposuction-liposculpture. When direct excision of glandular breast tissue and excess skin is required, Dr. Moreano will create a small incision, typically around the areola. In some cases, the areola may be resized and/or repositioned. Finally, incisions will be closed with sutures.  

Recuperation and Healing

Discomfort is usually controlled with Tylenol and a special postoperative garment is worn for several weeks. The patient may be seen the next day or the second day for a follow-up visit. There will normally be postoperative tumescent fluid drainage for several days. Sutures are required following direct surgical procedures if necessary. The sutures resorb spontaneously. Light activity may be resumed in two days. Sports activities may be resumed in 4 weeks.  

How Much Does Male Breast Reduction Cost?

In most cases, health insurance companies will not cover the cost of male breast reduction. The price of gynecomastia surgery is influenced by several factors, such as medical tests, surgeon’s fee, anesthesia, facility cost, prescription medications, and post-surgical elastic garments.

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It is possible to reduce the excess fat stored in the chest through exercising. But it doesn’t have any effect on dense glandular tissue that is caused by gynecomastia. So, if you are exercising hard and frequently and still don’t see any results, surgery may be required.
Male breast reduction surgery is the only way of reversing gynecomastia. During the procedure, the doctor will use a combination of excision techniques and liposuction for removing glandular tissue and fat. After the excess skin is removed, the doctor will tighten the remaining skin over the chest. If needed, the nipple-areolar complex is adjusted for more natural-looking results.
Your recovery will depend on your general health and the scope of your procedure. For most people, the recovery takes about a week, after which they can go back to work. You can begin light exercises about two weeks after the procedure. Any strenuous activity should be done only four to six weeks after the procedure.
There will be some post-surgical marks visible after the procedure that will fade in appearance over time. Extreme precision is used while making the incisions and the incisions to provide the best possible aesthetic results.
In most cases, male breast reduction surgery will have long-term results. However, hormone fluctuations, drug or steroid use, and weight gain can lead to gynecomastia recurrence. You can get more information from your doctor about how you can maintain the results of your procedure.

Contact Us to Learn More

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Edwin Moreano to confirm if you are a good candidate for male breast reduction in Jackson Heights. Dr. Moreano is a qualified, highly trained surgeon and can professionally address all your concerns regarding gynecomastia surgery. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment, or call us at (718) 478-2852

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