Is a Facelift for You?

Time takes its toll on many things, including our bodies. Many adults start to notice aging in their faces, more specifically around their cheeks and jawlines. To restore a more youthful look, a facelift procedure could be the ideal solution for you.
The Ideal Facelift Candidate
The ideal candidate for a facelift procedure is a man or woman who is dealing with unwanted facial sagging at the cheeks, neck, and/or jawline. They should be a healthy adult who has no severe chronic medical conditions and doesn’t smoke. Additionally, an ideal facelift candidate will have realistic expectations about the procedure.
What to Expect Before, During, and After the Procedure
Before a facelift procedure, you’ll need to consult with a surgeon. They will take pictures, answer all of your questions, and consider your medical history to ensure that a facelift is the right option for you. When the day comes for your surgery, you’ll be put under general anesthesia.
The surgery should take between two and four hours to complete, depending on the number of procedures you have performed. After the procedure is completed, you can expect to wear bandages and a facial sling for at least one week. This will help to support the facial region and reduce the risk of excessive swelling. Patients can return to work within two weeks and will see permanent results within four weeks post-surgery.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much is a facelift surgery?
The price of a facelift surgery varies depending on numerous factors. These include factors like how big of a treatment area you’re having operated on, how many procedures you’re having done, your location, the surgeon, and so forth.
What other procedures can I get done during my surgery?
Patients who are looking to address other cosmetic issues can schedule to have more than one procedure done during their surgery. This helps to reduce overall recovery time. Some common procedures that go alongside a standard facelift include a neck lift, eye lift, brow lift, rhinoplasty, chemical peel, jawline rejuvenation, and laser skin resurfacing.
How long will my results last?
The results of a facelift surgery are considered permanent. However, it’s important to remember that this surgery doesn’t stop the natural effects of aging. The facial region will change over time, and you may need to undergo touchup surgeries to maintain a youthful appearance.
Are facelift scars noticeable?
All facelift surgeries will result in some scarring. However, when taken care of properly, most scarring will not even be noticeable to the naked eye. It’s important to follow your surgeon’s post-surgery self-care instructions to greatly reduce your risk of noticeable scarring after surgery.
The Importance of a Professional Consultation
When you’re considering a facelift surgery, it’s best to schedule a professional consultation. This will help to ensure that you get accurate information regarding the facelift surgery and develop realistic expectations about how this procedure can enhance your appearance.
If you’ve been looking at facelift before and after pictures, it may be time to consider getting a professional consultation. A facelift can be the perfect investment to not only enhance your facial appearance but also to boost your self-confidence.