Summers Can Age You: Here’s What Happens and What To Do

Summer is here, so your mood must have received an uplift. Right, with those dark, short days being over, the air and sun seem so refreshing. You are happy, your body is happy, but is your skin happy? Is it showing any signs of disillusion? Read the signs. Neglecting them can make you pay heavily later on. Yes, summer can play havoc on your skin.
The largest organ of the skin is definitely at the receiving end of this havoc. The harsh sun, our lazy lifestyle habits—they all are contributing factors that can damage the skin and lead to premature signs of aging. Anti-aging creams like Revitol anti aging cream can help deal with the wrinkles and fine lines.
Sweating and Acne
There is a deep co-relation between the two. When you sweat, the pores release sodium and chloride out of it. If you have an existing condition of acne, sweat can aggravate it. Sweat can cause inflammation and lead to more acne formation. In fact, sweat can aggravate any skin condition. Controlling it can control the situation.
If you think you are lucky that you don’t have acne, think again. Skin rash, whiteheads, itchiness—they too are a gift of sweat in case you had ignored it. When it’s humid outside, the sweat cannot evaporate, and therefore its natural cooling effect cannot be borne. This leads to an increase in bacteria, which in turn lead to infection. Too much heat can inflame the skin.
What to do: Drink as much water as you can. Stay out of the sun, and use anti-acne creams like Revitol acnezine. Do not step out in the sun when it’s too hot during the peak hours: 12 pm to 4 pm. This is the best way to save your skin from rashes, infections, and heat stroke.
Sun’s Rays
Everyone knows what UVA and UVB rays can do to the skin: premature aging and also life-threatening cancer. And to make yourself clear, even clouds can’t save you. So, if you thought that a cloudy day is a getaway, think again.
Let’s not ignore this fact: Our ozone layer is getting depleted. This has enhanced the chances of a burn or tan and, hence, the blotchiness we term as hyperpigmentation.
What to do: There are numerous ways to deal with this. New therapies can take care of all the pigmentation-related problems. But don’t forget to take precautions even if you take the treatment. Taking therapies can become a never-ending problem. Taking precautions is a long-term solution. Use a good sunscreen lotion. Apply thoroughly and evenly. Re-apply after every 4 hours.
Air Conditioners
Air conditioning is a nice cool way to beat the heat, but is your skin able to beat the damage done? Frankly speaking, no. Air conditioners take the moisture in the air, leaving the air dry. This can dehydrate your skin, making it dull and drab. Further damage caused is visible in the form of itching and flaking. The changes in the temperature irritate the skin and is extremely bad for people with psoriasis and eczema.
What to do: Hydration. Drink water or, for that matter, fluids all day long even before sleeping. Keep your skin moisturized. Re-apply all day long. Start using an anti-aging cream before the premature signs set in, as soon as in one’s early twenties. This is your line of defense from dryness. A cool mist humidifier is a nice remedy when hydration and moisturization are not enough.
Swimming Is Bad for Hair
Swimming seems to be the nicest respite from the scorching sun in summer. However, the summer sun makes the fibers in your hair break down. This causes split ends, breakage, and rough cuticles. Want proof? Ask your friend who dyes her hair regularly. She knows what pool water does to her hair—condition as well as hair.
What to do: Wear a hat, a broad-rimmed one. It will protect your face and neck, too, as a complimentary gift. Any naked parts of the scalp should be covered with sunscreen. Scalp skin, too, is prone to burning. Heat styling should be undertaken in summers. If at all, use products labeled UV protection.
Love Squinting – Stay Afar
Crow’s feet set in pretty fast; hence, shielding eyes is of grave importance. An added problem is if you are in the habit of making some facial gesture often—it can lead to wrinkles and fine lines. For instance, when you are out in the sun, and tend to squint your eyes in anticipation of protecting them, you are actually contributing to the formation of those lines around the eyes.
What to do: Wear broad-rimmed sunglasses to prevent squinting. While doing so, you will protect the thin skin around your eyes as well. Or take a hat.