Is A Facelift Right For You?
As you get older, the signs of aging will inevitably take hold on your facial region. As time passes you by, the skin begins to loosen on the face and neck, crow’s feet appears on the corners of your eyes, and fine lines start to set in. All of these issues give way to a much older and unappealing look.
These changes aren’t just caused by age. Other factors such as gravity, sun damage, and pollution all contribute to your change in appearance.
Fortunately, a facelift surgery is the perfect solution. Have you ever thought to yourself, “Is a facelift the right surgery for me?” If so, there’s a few things you need to consider. This type of surgery is great for people who aren’t happy with their look after experiencing the early effects of the aging process.
If you’re suffering from loose skin, wrinkles and fine lines, and crow’s feet, then this surgery can help. You should be in good general health and have realistic expectations about your final results. Be ready to follow any instructions your doctor gives you and have someone available to help you during your period of downtime.
Want to learn more? Contact Moreano Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation with Dr. Edwin Moreano today!